simpldiscipline integrates via the OneRoster API with the Infinite Campus student information system. simpldiscipline requires student and staff information as well as student course schedules to process discipline referrals and appropriately assign students to rostered teachers and schools. For more details on
our student data privacy policy, please click here. We also have a data appendix that lists all fields we collect and the justification for each field,
linked here.
simpldiscipline is setup in the modern UI under Digital Learning Application Configuration within Instruction > Settings > Digital Learning Application Configuration, just like other instructional resources.
In the classic UI, you can setup simpldiscipline under System Administration > Learning Interoperability.
Once there, add simpldiscipline as an application by clicking Add Application (highlighted in yellow above) and selecting Connect to Other Applications. Ensure that simpldiscipline is the application name and that OneRoster v1.2 is selected.
After the application is created, ensure OneRoster Client ID, Client Secret, and Token URL are populated. You may need to click Generate OneRoster Credentials or a similar button to generate the credentials; this varies based on Infinite Campus version.
If you need to limit which schools are shared with simpldiscipline, you can do so under the Enabled Schools tab.
Demographic information is required and you can check the demographics box (highlighted in yellow above) to share that data.
After setup, share the data under the Information to Share heading (which includes Client ID, Client Secret, Token URL, and Base URL) with your simpldiscipline representative to complete the integration!