simpldiscipline data appendix


Student data privacy and security is critical at simpldiscipline. To provide transparency, all categories of student data shared with simpldiscipline are listed below. Each category includes specific reasoning and rationale for why this data is required, and how it relates to our product. No student data is ingested unless it is explicitly approved by the school district or required for simpldiscipline to function.

simpldiscipline is a proud signer of the Student Privacy Pledge and a recipient of the Project Unicorn EdTech Tools Interoperability Certification - Tier 4 (highest tier), commitments of our duty to protect student data and ensure data interoperability. 

Please view our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for full details on our  commitment to student data privacy.

Data categoryData fieldJustification/functionality
Basic student information Student name, student grade level, student school, student class enrollments Entire product; incidents, minor infractions, analytics, etc.
Parent/guardian information
Parent name, parent email, parent phone number Parent discipline notifications
Protected student information
Student IEP/504 designator
Student ethnicity/race
Student gender
Student email address
Any other data field requested by district/school for reporting
Analytics and reporting tools for student intervention, at risk students, real-time alerts; student discipline notifications
Basic staff information Staff name, staff email address, staff job title, staff location(s) Entire product; incidents, minor infractions, analytics, etc.
Student attendance data
Historical student attendance (ISS/OSS attendance codes will be written back to PS regardless of importing this information) Analytics and reporting tools for student intervention, at risk students, real-time alerts
Student discipline data Historical student discipline incidents Historical incident analytics and reporting, student profiles
Student/Staff Photo Incident submission, student profiles

*Items denoted as optional are not required for the core product and are available at the discretion of the school district/LEA.

Creation date: 7/26/2024 6:10 PM      Updated: 7/26/2024 6:19 PM