Revert an incident (Delete an incident)

Creation date: 1/2/2024 11:15 PM    Updated: 12/12/2024 2:41 PM   approved incident delete delete approved incident delete incident deny incident revert incident simpldiscipline
If an incident has already been synced to the student information system, but you need to remove it, you can revert the incident in the Reviewer area. This article walks you through the process of reverting the incident.

The revert function deletes an incident in PowerSchool and marks it as "denied" in simpldiscipline. Use the revert function only when you want to permanently delete an incident. If you only need to make changes, use the edit function instead.

Reverting the incident

After an incident has been synced to the student information system, you can click the Revert incident button in the Reviewer area.

A warning dialog will appear asking for you to confirm your selection.

Once you confirm the warning dialog, the incident will be deleted from the student information system.

Once the incident has been reverted, it will be retained in simpldiscipline for historical record.