How To Redact Student Names From Letters

Creation date: 2/16/2025 6:30 PM    Updated: 2/20/2025 2:48 PM   change student name to initals hide student name redact redact name redact student name remove student name
Administrators have the ability to automatically redact student names within incident narratives. The system will match names exactly to the legal first or middle name in your student information system. If a name does not match, the administrator will need to manually adjust it. Administrators can choose to fully redact names or redact names to student initials (preferred). However, before fully redacting names in the main incident narrative (which syncs to your student information system), we recommend checking with your district’s guidelines to ensure compliance with established processes. Additionally, administrators can redact student names in the individual student narratives (which appear on printed letters) while still maintaining full names or initials in the main incident narrative for record-keeping purposes.

There are two areas where student names can be redacted:
  1. Main Narrative – This is the primary incident description that syncs with your Student Information System (SIS).
  2. Individual Student Narratives – These are student-specific narratives included within the incident report.
Important Notes for Redacting the Main Narrative:
  • When you redact or modify names in the Main Narrative, the system will automatically redact names in the Individual Student Narratives—unless the student narrative has already been manually edited.
    • To prevent individual narratives from being redacted, uncheck the “Automatically redact all students associated with this incident” option.
  • If you select either redaction option (Redact or Change to Initials), the system will replace names in individual narratives with “REDACTED”. However, it will not automatically change names to initials. Additionally, only other students’ names will be redacted—not the name of the student for whom the letter is being generated.
  • If a student narrative has been manually edited, the system will not overwrite the existing text. In this case, you must manually redact or update names within each affected student’s narrative.
  • If multiple students share the same name (e.g., a fight involving Josh N. and Josh P.), the system cannot fully automate name redactions. Administrators must manually review and update the names to ensure accuracy.
  • You can only redact or change names once. Once a name has been redacted or replaced with initials, the system cannot automatically revert it. Before saving, you can preview the changes to see how they will appear.

The redaction feature functions the same way for the individual student narrative, with one key difference: the system will not redact or replace the selected student’s name with initials, it will only redact or change the names of other students mentioned in the narrative.