Setting Time Entries for Partial Day Suspensions in simpldiscipline

Creation date: 9/25/2024 12:27 PM    Updated: 9/25/2024 12:45 PM   in-school suspension iss oss out of school suspension partial day partial suspension suspension time entry time entries
Schools configured for daily attendance can use time entries to accurately reflect the assigned duration of partial in-school suspensions and out-of-school suspensions.

Note: Time entries are only available for schools using daily attendance (typically elementary schools) and are not available for schools with meeting-based attendance configured.

To assign a time entry: 

Less Than A day
If the total duration of the action is less than a full day, select “Less than a day” and then enter the start and end times for the action.

A Day or More
If the total duration is more than 1 day, select “A Day or More,” and use the partial day toggle box to indicate that a specific day was less than a full day. Once you toggle the partial day option on, the time entry fields will appear for you to enter the exact times.

For out-of-school suspensions, simpldiscipline allows you to set a custom attendance code. By default, in South Carolina, the attendance code “SC-EDSM” is applied for any partial day OSS durations and "SC-ISS" is applied for any partial ISS durations. It will also add "Out of School Suspension (OSS)" as an attendance comment for any OSS days

If you’d like to set a different custom attendance code by default, please email