Users with reviewer rights can
deny minor infractions, which removes the infraction from the student’s reports, overview, and historical records in simpldiscipline. While the infraction will no longer appear in analytics or reports, the submitter will still have a record of their original submission. This action functions as the equivalent of "deleting" the infraction.
Denying an infraction is a permanent action. If you prefer to update the details of the infraction instead, please refer to our guide on editing minor infractions.
To deny a Minor Infract.
First, navigate to the minor infraction using one of the following methods in the reviewer area:
Student Quick Lookup: Go to the student's page by using the quick lookup feature. Then, scroll down and click on the infraction's name to view it.

Search Incidents: Use the "Search incidents" function to locate the infraction by entering any available criteria. Once found, click on the infraction's name to view it

At the top of the infraction, select the Deny Infraction button.
You are required to provide a reason for the denial. For risk and liability purposes, we strongly recommend being as specific as possible when detailing your reason.
As a reviewer, you can decide whether to show the denial reason to the submitter. If you choose not to display the reason, the submitter will still receive an email notifying them that their infraction has been updated. When the submitter logs into the system, they will see that the infraction was reviewed and denied by a school administrator. If they have any questions, they are directed to contact their admin team.
If you want the submitter to see the specific reason for the denial, make sure to toggle the Show this reason to the submitter button on.
When you're ready, click the Deny Minor Infraction button.
Teacher View of a Denied Infraction
If the reviewer has chosen to make the denial reason visible, it will appear below this statement.