Editing a Submitted Minor Infraction (Teacher)

Creation date: 9/17/2024 4:55 PM    Updated: 9/17/2024 4:55 PM   changes to minor edit edit minor editing minor editing minor infraction
After submitting a minor infraction for a student, teachers can easily return and update any details of the infraction, including changing the student associated with it.

To edit an infraction, go to your dashboard and select the Minor Infractions tab

Find the infraction you would like to edit, then click View Infraction to open the details of the infraction.

At the top of the infraction, select the Edit Infraction button.

Make any necessary changes. Please note that administrators have access to a change log history.

Once you are finished making changes, scroll to the bottom and click the Update Minor Infraction button to save your updates.

You should receive a confirmation that the infraction was successfully updated.
