What is attendance reconciliation?

Attendance Reconciliation in simpldiscipline

Attendance reconciliation is a built-in feature in simpldiscipline that helps ensure attendance records are accurately updated to match incident action dates. Many states require that incident dates, such as those for in-school suspension (ISS), align with the corresponding attendance codes. For example, if a student is assigned ISS on 5/1, the ISS attendance code should be recorded for 5/1.

In addition to meeting state requirements, this process also ensures that the correct data is reflected on the incident calendar within simpldiscipline.

When Will You See the Attendance Reconciliation Prompt?

You will see the attendance reconciliation prompt if you assign an action that requires simpldiscipline to write attendance (such as a suspension) to PowerSchool and then edit the incident after it has been approved, changing the dates of the action. If any of those dates involve today or historical dates, and they have been altered, the attendance reconciliation prompt will appear.

Handling Changes to Current or Historical Dates in simpldiscipline

If you remove a current or historical date from an action, simpldiscipline will check the attendance code currently stored in PowerSchool for that date. If the attendance code still reflects the original action (e.g., ISS) that simpldiscipline wrote for that date, and the action is no longer assigned for that date in the incident, simpldiscipline will prompt you to select a new attendance code for that specific day or affected periods.

You can either mass assign attendance codes by date using the "Mass Assign" button or select the codes individually for each date and/or course section.

If someone has already manually changed the attendance in PowerSchool (for example, changing ISS to an unexcused absence), simpldiscipline will display this information in the "Orphaned Attendance" section. It will show the date, the original attendance code written by simpldiscipline, and the current attendance code. simpldiscipline will not overwrite dates that have been manually changed in PowerSchool. If you notice an error here, it will need to be manually corrected in PowerSchool.

Creation date: 9/3/2024 11:44 AM      Updated: 9/3/2024 11:44 AM
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