Converting an Incident to a Minor Infraction

Converting an incident to a minor infraction in simpldiscipline allows for appropriate classification and handling of incidents. Follow these steps to convert an incident:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log In:
    Start by logging into your simpldiscipline account.

  2. Navigate to Reviewer Area:
    Once logged in, go to the reviewer area.
    Select "Pending incidents" from the left side navigation.

  3. Select Incident:
    Find the incident you want to convert.
    Click "View incident" to the right of the incident.

  4. Convert Incident:
    At the top of the page, select "Convert incident to minor."

  5. Choose Conversion Option:

    You will be presented with two options:

    Submit it myself: As the reviewer, you will complete the remaining details (behaviors, activity, and actions) needed to convert the incident. The infraction will still be recorded under the original submitter's name, and they will have access to view all associated details.

    Return to submitter:
    The infraction will be converted, but the submitter will receive an email requesting them to log back into the system and provide the remaining details (behaviors, activity, and actions) needed to complete the conversion.

  6. Provide Feedback:
    In both scenarios, the reviewer must provide feedback to the submitter, explaining why the incident is being converted to a minor infraction.
    This feedback will be emailed to the submitter.

Need Further Assistance?

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact your simpldiscipline support by emailing or by submitting a help ticket here.