To navigate to the truancy settings page, from your home page:
Admin area > Truancy Settings
The truancy settings page in the super admin area allows you to configure truancy settings for your district. Please note that changes made in this section will impact how truancy is calculated and how tasks are assigned. For assistance, please contact your simpldiscipline representative.
Minimum Age for Truancy Designation
Defines the minimum age at which a student is considered for truancy status. Students at this age or older will be included, up to the maximum age defined below.
Maximum Age for Truancy Designation
Defines the maximum age at which a student is considered for truancy status. Students at this age or older will not be included.
Parent Note Grace Period
Specifies the number of days (e.g., 5 days) a parent or guardian has to provide a reason for an unexcused absence. After this grace period, the student will qualify for any truancy levels they have met.
Unexcused Attendance Codes
Lists the attendance codes that should be treated as unexcused absences, which qualify a student for a truancy level.
Incident Behavior Codes
Defines which behavior codes should be available when a truancy incident is selected as an action for a truancy level. Each action in a truancy level will have a default behavior code assigned.
Intervention Plan Action Codes
Specifies the action codes that should be used as a record of an attendance intervention plan being established for a student.
Court Order Action Codes
Defines the action codes that should be used as a record of court-ordered attendance.
Truancy Levels
Specifies the different levels of truancy a student can meet according to district, state, or federal guidance.
Level Name (Example: Nearing truancy)
This is the display name for the truancy level.
It helps identify the level in the user interface.
Level Color Palette
Select a color for the truancy level.
The color helps visually distinguish this level from others in reports and dashboards.
Level Sort Order
Determines the sequence in which truancy levels are displayed, with lower numbers appearing first.
Prerequisite Level
Ensures that certain levels are only applied after a student has met previous levels' criteria.
Level Conditions
Defines the specific criteria students must meet to be categorized under this truancy level.
Condition Help
Conditions are essential to define each truancy level and specify the criteria that must be met for a student to qualify for that level. Below is a reference of each condition:
Attendance Intervention Plan
When included, students reach this truancy level only if they have an attendance intervention plan already established. Any additional absence conditions in the condition statement will only be evaluated if an intervention plan is established and they occur after the start date of the attendance intervention plan.
Consecutive Absences
When included, a student's absence history is evaluated based on consecutive days absent, as per the rule you define. Only consecutive absences (absences without breaks, following the school calendar) are evaluated.
Total Absences
When included, a student's cumulative absence history is evaluated based on the total number of days absent, as per the rule you define.