Dashboard > Admin Area > User Management

Simpldiscipline defines four distinct user roles:

User: The "User" role is automatically assigned to all staff members within the system. In this capacity, individuals have the authority to submit incidents or infractions for any student enrolled at the same location where the staff member is assigned. By default, staff member locations are linked to PowerSchool locations, ensuring seamless integration and accurate data management.

Reviewer (read-only): The "Reviewer (Read-only)" role grants users access to view all data within the reviewer area, including incident history, student overview pages, data, and reporting. However, users with this role are unable to make any alterations or approve incidents. Their permissions are limited to viewing the information available in the reviewer area. This role is commonly assigned to guidance counselors or individuals with similar responsibilities.

Reviewer (Truancy Center Only): The “Reviewer (Truancy Center Only)” role provides users with access exclusively to truancy-related data. This role enables users to view truancy information, process truancy-related tasks and incidents, and send letters pertaining to truancy. However, users with this role are unable to approve incidents or make changes to non-truancy-related data. Their permissions are focused on managing and overseeing truancy processes. This role is typically assigned to staff responsible for monitoring and handling student truancy.

Reviewer: The "Reviewer" role gives users comprehensive functionality within the reviewer area. This includes the ability to approve incidents and synchronize them with PowerSchool. Additionally, reviewers have access to incident history, student overview pages, data, reporting, and other relevant features. This role includes access to all components of the reviewer area, including truancy center. 

Super Administrator: The "Super Administrator" role is designated for district administrators or individuals responsible for overseeing simpldiscipline's implementation and utilization. Individuals with the administrator role possess the authority to elevate privileges of other users, tailor system settings and templates, access audit or import logs, and more. Furthermore, administrators can access student data across all school locations within the district.

Additional “User Special Permissions”

District-wide student incident submission: This setting allows the user to submit discipline referrals and minor infractions for any student in the district. This is helpful for bus drivers or other staff members who are transient between all buildings.

View all calendar events:  This setting allows the user to view all suspension/detention calendar events for all students at all locations/schools they have access to. This is helpful for ISS aides and other staff members who are not reviewers, but need access to view all suspension/detentions.

To assign a user a specific role, a system administrator should follow these steps

  1. Log in to Simpldiscipline and click on the red "Admin Area" button located in the top right corner.

  2. Navigate to "User Management."

  3. Search for the individual by Name or Email.

  4. Click on the user's name to select them.

  5. Scroll down to the section "User Role," choose the desired elevated role.

  6. Select the location(s) for the elevated privileges.

  7. Scroll to the bottom and ensure to click the "Update User" button.

To assign a user a special permission, a system administrator should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Simpldiscipline and click on the red "Admin Area" button.

  2. Navigate to "User Management."

  3. Search for the individual by Name or Email.

  4. Click on the user's name to select them.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find “User Special Permissions”

  6. Toggle on the permissions you would like to grant the user

  7. Scroll to the bottom and ensure to click the "Update User" button.

District-wide student incident submission: This setting allows the user to submit discipline referrals and minor infractions for any student in the district. This is helpful for bus drivers or other staff members who are transient between all buildings.

View all calendar events:  This setting allows the user to view all suspension/detention calendar events for all students at all locations/schools they have access to. This is helpful for ISS aides and other staff members who are not reviewers, but need access to view all suspension/detentions.
